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Easily make beautiful PDFs from markdown.


mdf allows you to quickly and easily prepare beautiful PDF documents from markdown.

Using mdf is as simple as invoking mdf foo.md from the command line. This will spawn your favourite editor and a PDF viewer. Whenever you save the source document in the editor, mdf updates the PDF. The PDF viewer should then notice that the PDF has been updated, and re-render it:

mdf in action.

mdf uses markdown, a user-friendly plain-text formatting language. The markdown is compiled to HTML, styled by CSS, and then rendered to a PDF. For extra flexibility, it's possible to use custom HTML straight in the source document, and you can use your own CSS for custom styling.

As a quick example, this piece of markdown produces a heading, followed by a paragraph of text, and then a bulleted list:

# Header

This is a paragraph of text.
It consists of two sentences.

 - one
 - two
 - three

For a more comprehensive overview of what markdown can do, see example.md.


mdf requires the following other pieces of software to run:

WeasyPrint v51 works, but has problems with ugly kerning. For distributions that ship with an older version, such as Debian 11, you may want to use virtualenv to install a more recent version.

mdf itself is a single-file Python program, you only need to put it somewhere it can be found from your $PATH. Perhaps:

git clone git@github.com:irfinnew/mdf.git ~/mdf
ln -s ~/mdf/mdf ~/bin/ || sudo ln -s ~/mdf/mdf /usr/local/bin/

The only other file mdf needs is style.css, which should live in the same directory as the Python file.



mdf first checks the $VISUAL environment variable, then $EDITOR, for the editor to use. If neither is set, it falls back to using the editor command.

Set $EDITOR in your environment setup to specify your preferred editor.

PDF viewer

mdf uses xdg-open to view the PDF. This uses the default PDF viewer for the current desktop environment.

Custom styling

Any CSS in ~/.mdf/style.css will be applied, and it overrides the styling provided by mdf itself.

For example, if you don't like the blue headings, put this in ~/.mdf/style.css:

h1, h2, h3, h4 { color: black; }

By default, mdf uses sans-serif as the font, and it will differ from one system to another what actual font that resolves to.

It's recommended to choose a specific font, and set that in ~/.mdf/style.css. For example, this will use Gentium for the headings, IosevkaTerm for verbatim/code, and Ubuntu for everything else:

body { font: 11.5pt Ubuntu; } 
h1, h2, h3, h4 { font-family: Gentium Basic, Gentium; }
pre, code { font: 10pt IosevkaTerm; }

Command-line usage

Use mdf --help to get a list of arguments and their meaning. Quick reference:

Compile foo.md if it is newer than foo.pdf, and view it:

mdf -cv foo.md

Force compile foo.md, and do not use ~/.mdf/style.css:

mdf -CU foo.md

Force compile foo.md, view foo.pdf, watch foo.md and recompile if it is updated:

mdf -Cvw foo.md

Compile foo.md if needed, view foo.pdf, edit foo.md, and watch/recompile it:

mdf foo.md